Emergent Mind

Exponential Sums, Cyclic Codes and Sequences: the Odd Characteristic Kasami Case

Published Feb 26, 2009 in cs.IT , cs.DM , math.CO , and math.IT


Let $q=pn$ with $n=2m$ and $p$ be an odd prime. Let $0\leq k\leq n-1$ and $k\neq m$. In this paper we determine the value distribution of following exponential(character) sums [\sum\limits{x\in \bFq}\zetap{\Tra1m (\alpha x{p{m}+1})+\Tra_1n(\beta x{pk+1})}\quad(\alpha\in \bF{pm},\beta\in \bF{q})] and [\sum\limits{x\in \bFq}\zetap{\Tra1m (\alpha x{p{m}+1})+\Tra_1n(\beta x{pk+1}+\ga x)}\quad(\alpha\in \bF{pm},\beta,\ga\in \bF{q})] where $\Tra1n: \bFq\ra \bFp$ and $\Tra1m: \bF{pm}\ra\bFp$ are the canonical trace mappings and $\zetap=e{\frac{2\pi i}{p}}$ is a primitive $p$-th root of unity. As applications: (1). We determine the weight distribution of the cyclic codes $\cC1$ and $\cC2$ over $\bF{pt}$ with parity-check polynomials $h2(x)h3(x)$ and $h1(x)h2(x)h3(x)$ respectively where $t$ is a divisor of $d=\gcd(m,k)$, and $h1(x)$, $h2(x)$ and $h3(x)$ are the minimal polynomials of $\pi{-1}$, $\pi{-(pk+1)}$ and $\pi{-(pm+1)}$ over $\bF{pt}$ respectively for a primitive element $\pi$ of $\bFq$. (2). We determine the correlation distribution among a family of m-sequences. This paper extends the results in \cite{Zen Li}.

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