Emergent Mind

Maximum Sum-Rate of MIMO Multiuser Scheduling with Linear Receivers

Published Dec 17, 2008 in cs.IT and math.IT


We analyze scheduling algorithms for multiuser communication systems with users having multiple antennas and linear receivers. When there is no feedback of channel information, we consider a common round robin scheduling algorithm, and derive new exact and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) maximum sum-rate results for the maximum ratio combining (MRC) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receivers. We also present new analysis of MRC, zero forcing (ZF) and MMSE receivers in the low SNR regime. When there are limited feedback capabilities in the system, we consider a common practical scheduling scheme based on signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) feedback at the transmitter. We derive new accurate approximations for the maximum sum-rate, for the cases of MRC, ZF and MMSE receivers. We also derive maximum sum-rate scaling laws, which reveal that the maximum sum-rate of all three linear receivers converge to the same value for a large number of users, but at different rates.

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