Emergent Mind

An Efficient PTAS for Two-Strategy Anonymous Games

Published Dec 12, 2008 in cs.GT


We present a novel polynomial time approximation scheme for two-strategy anonymous games, in which the players' utility functions, although potentially different, do not differentiate among the identities of the other players. Our algorithm computes an $eps$-approximate Nash equilibrium of an $n$-player 2-strategy anonymous game in time $poly(n) (1/eps){O(1/eps2)}$, which significantly improves upon the running time $n{O(1/eps2)}$ required by the algorithm of Daskalakis & Papadimitriou, 2007. The improved running time is based on a new structural understanding of approximate Nash equilibria: We show that, for any $eps$, there exists an $eps$-approximate Nash equilibrium in which either only $O(1/eps3)$ players randomize, or all players who randomize use the same mixed strategy. To show this result we employ tools from the literature on Stein's Method.

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