Emergent Mind

One shot schemes for decentralized quickest change detection

Published Aug 3, 2008 in cs.IT and math.IT


This work considers the problem of quickest detection with N distributed sensors that receive continuous sequential observations from the environment. These sensors employ cumulative sum (CUSUM) strategies and communicate to a central fusion center by one shot schemes. One shot schemes are schemes in which the sensors communicate with the fusion center only once, after which they must signal a detection. The communication is clearly asynchronous and the case is considered in which the fusion center employs a minimal strategy, which means that it declares an alarm when the first communication takes place. It is assumed that the observations received at the sensors are independent and that the time points at which the appearance of a signal can take place are different. It is shown that there is no loss of performance of one shot schemes as compared to the centralized case in an extended Lorden min-max sense, since the minimum of N CUSUMs is asymptotically optimal as the mean time between false alarms increases without bound.

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