Emergent Mind

Nonstandard linear recurring sequence subgroups in finite fields and automorphisms of cyclic codes

Published Jul 3, 2008 in cs.IT , cs.DM , math.CO , and math.IT


Let $q=pr$ be a prime power, and let $f(x)=xm-\gs_{m-1}x{m-1}- >...-\gs1x-\gs0$ be an irreducible polynomial over the finite field $\GF(q)$ of size $q$. A zero $\xi$ of $f$ is called {\em nonstandard (of degree $m$) over $\GF(q)$} if the recurrence relation $um=\gs{m-1}u{m-1} + ... + \gs1u1+\gs0u0$ with characteristic polynomial $f$ can generate the powers of $\xi$ in a nontrivial way, that is, with $u0=1$ and $f(u1)\neq 0$. In 2003, Brison and Nogueira asked for a characterisation of all nonstandard cases in the case $m=2$, and solved this problem for $q$ a prime, and later for $q=pr$ with $r\leq4$. In this paper, we first show that classifying nonstandard finite field elements is equivalent to classifying those cyclic codes over $\GF(q)$ generated by a single zero that posses extra permutation automorphisms. Apart from two sporadic examples of degree 11 over $\GF(2)$ and of degree 5 over $\GF(3)$, related to the Golay codes, there exist two classes of examples of nonstandard finite field elements. One of these classes (type I) involves irreducible polynomials $f$ of the form $f(x)=xm-f0$, and is well-understood. The other class (type II) can be obtained from a primitive element in some subfield by a process that we call extension and lifting. We will use the known classification of the subgroups of $\PGL(2,q)$ in combination with a recent result by Brison and Nogueira to show that a nonstandard element of degree two over $\GF(q)$ necessarily is of type I or type II, thus solving completely the classification problem for the case $m=2$.

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