Emergent Mind

The Dynamics of Probabilistic Population Protocols

Published Jul 1, 2008 in cs.DC and cs.GT


We study here the dynamics (and stability) of Probabilistic Population Protocols, via the differential equations approach. We provide a quite general model and we show that it includes the model of Angluin et. al. in the case of very large populations. For the general model we give a sufficient condition for stability that can be checked in polynomial time. We also study two interesting subcases: (a) protocols whose specifications (in our terms) are configuration independent. We show that they are always stable and that their eventual subpopulation percentages are actually a Markov Chain stationary distribution. (b) protocols that have dynamics resembling virus spread. We show that their dynamics are actually similar to the well-known Replicator Dynamics of Evolutionary Games. We also provide a sufficient condition for stability in this case.

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