Emergent Mind

Space Efficient Multi-Dimensional Range Reporting

Published Jun 26, 2008 in cs.DS and cs.CG


We present a data structure that supports three-dimensional range reporting queries in $O(\log \log U + (\log \log n)3+k)$ time and uses $O(n\log{1+\eps} n)$ space, where $U$ is the size of the universe, $k$ is the number of points in the answer,and $\eps$ is an arbitrary constant. This result improves over the data structure of Alstrup, Brodal, and Rauhe (FOCS 2000) that uses $O(n\log{1+\eps} n)$ space and supports queries in $O(\log n+k)$ time,the data structure of Nekrich (SoCG'07) that uses $O(n\log{3} n)$ space and supports queries in $O(\log \log U + (\log \log n)2 + k)$ time, and the data structure of Afshani (ESA'08) that uses $O(n\log{3} n)$ space and also supports queries in $O(\log \log U + (\log \log n)2 + k)$ time but relies on randomization during the preprocessing stage. Our result allows us to significantly reduce the space usage of the fastest previously known static and incremental $d$-dimensional data structures, $d\geq 3$, at a cost of increasing the query time by a negligible $O(\log \log n)$ factor.

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