Emergent Mind


This paper aims to showcase the measure of structural diversity of an ensemble of 9 classifiers and then map a relationship between this structural diversity and accuracy. The structural diversity was induced by having different architectures or structures of the classifiers The Genetical Algorithms (GA) were used to derive the relationship between diversity and the classification accuracy by evolving the classifiers and then picking 9 classifiers out on an ensemble of 60 classifiers. It was found that as the ensemble became diverse the accuracy improved. However at a certain diversity measure the accuracy began to drop. The Kohavi-Wolpert variance method is used to measure the diversity of the ensemble. A method of voting is used to aggregate the results from each classifier. The lowest error was observed at a diversity measure of 0.16 with a mean square error of 0.274, when taking 0.2024 as maximum diversity measured. The parameters that were varied were: the number of hidden nodes, learning rate and the activation function.

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