Emergent Mind

Multi-Antenna Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages

Published Apr 26, 2008 in cs.IT , cs.CR , and math.IT


In wireless data networks, communication is particularly susceptible to eavesdropping due to its broadcast nature. Security and privacy systems have become critical for wireless providers and enterprise networks. This paper considers the problem of secret communication over a Gaussian broadcast channel, where a multi-antenna transmitter sends independent confidential messages to two users with \emph{information-theoretic secrecy}. That is, each user would like to obtain its own confidential message in a reliable and safe manner. This communication model is referred to as the multi-antenna Gaussian broadcast channel with confidential messages (MGBC-CM). Under this communication scenario, a secret dirty-paper coding scheme and the corresponding achievable secrecy rate region are first developed based on Gaussian codebooks. Next, a computable Sato-type outer bound on the secrecy capacity region is provided for the MGBC-CM. Furthermore, the Sato-type outer bound proves to be consistent with the boundary of the secret dirty-paper coding achievable rate region, and hence, the secrecy capacity region of the MGBC-CM is established. Finally, a numerical example demonstrates that both users can achieve positive rates simultaneously under the information-theoretic secrecy requirement.

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