Emergent Mind

Object Re-Use & Exchange: A Resource-Centric Approach

Published Apr 14, 2008 in cs.DL and cs.NI


The OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) framework recasts the repository-centric notion of digital object to a bounded aggregation of Web resources. In this manner, digital library content is more integrated with the Web architecture, and thereby more accessible to Web applications and clients. This generalized notion of an aggregation that is independent of repository containment conforms more closely with notions in eScience and eScholarship, where content is distributed across multiple services and databases. We provide a motivation for the OAI-ORE project, review previous interoperability efforts, describe draft ORE specifications and report on promising results from early experimentation that illustrate improved interoperability and reuse of digital objects.

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