Emergent Mind

Comparison of the Discriminatory Processor Sharing Policies

Published Mar 14, 2008 in cs.NI


Discriminatory Processor Sharing policy introduced by Kleinrock is of a great interest in many application areas, including telecommunications, web applications and TCP flow modelling. Under the DPS policy the job priority is controlled by the vector of weights. Verifying the vector of weights it is possible to modify the service rates of the jobs and optimize system characteristics. In the present paper we present the results concerning the comparison of two DPS policies with different weight vectors. We show the monotonicity of the expected sojourn time of the system depending on the weight vector under certain condition on the system. Namely, the system has to consist of classes with means which are quite different from each other. The classes with similar means can be organized together and considered as one class, so the given restriction can be overcame.

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