Emergent Mind

On Cobweb Posets and Discrete F-Boxes Tilings

Published Feb 24, 2008 in math.CO and cs.DM


F-boxes defined in [6] as hyper-boxes in N{\infty} discrete space were applied here for the geometric description of the cobweb posetes Hasse diagrams tilings. The F-boxes edges sizes are taken to be values of terms of natural numbers' valued sequence F. The problem of partitions of hyper-boxes represented by graphs into blocks of special form is considered and these are to be called F-tilings. The proof of such tilings' existence for certain sub-family of admissible sequences F is delivered. The family of F-tilings which we consider here includes among others F = Natural numbers, Fibonacci numbers, Gaussian integers with their corresponding F-nomial (Binomial, Fibonomial, Gaussian) coefficients. Extension of this tiling problem onto the general case multi F-nomial coefficients is here proposed. Reformulation of the present cobweb tiling problem into a clique problem of a graph specially invented for that purpose - is proposed here too. To this end we illustrate the area of our reconnaissance by means of the Venn type map of various cobweb sequences families.

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