Emergent Mind

First Observations on Prefab Posets Whitney Numbers

Published Feb 12, 2008 in math.CO and cs.DM


We introduce a natural partial order in structurally natural finite subsets of the cobweb prefabs sets recently constructed by the present author. Whitney numbers of the second kind of the corresponding subposet which constitute Stirling like numbers triangular array are then calculated and the explicit formula for them is provided. Next, in the second construction we endow the set sums of prefabiants with such an another partial order that their Bell like numbers include Fibonacci triad sequences introduced recently by the present author in order to extend famous relation between binomial Newton coefficients and Fibonacci numbers onto the infinity of their relatives among whom there are also the Fibonacci triad sequences and binomial like coefficients (incidence coefficients included). The first partial order is F sequence independent while the second partial order is F sequence dependent where F is the so called admissible sequence determining cobweb poset by construction. An F determined cobweb posets Hasse diagram becomes Fibonacci tree sheathed with specific cobweb if the sequence F is chosen to be just the Fibonacci sequence. From the stand-point of linear algebra of formal series these are generating functions which stay for the so called extended coherent states of quantum physics. This information is delivered in the last section.

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