Emergent Mind

Learning Balanced Mixtures of Discrete Distributions with Small Sample

Published Feb 10, 2008 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We study the problem of partitioning a small sample of $n$ individuals from a mixture of $k$ product distributions over a Boolean cube ${0, 1}K$ according to their distributions. Each distribution is described by a vector of allele frequencies in $\RK$. Given two distributions, we use $\gamma$ to denote the average $\ell_22$ distance in frequencies across $K$ dimensions, which measures the statistical divergence between them. We study the case assuming that bits are independently distributed across $K$ dimensions. This work demonstrates that, for a balanced input instance for $k = 2$, a certain graph-based optimization function returns the correct partition with high probability, where a weighted graph $G$ is formed over $n$ individuals, whose pairwise hamming distances between their corresponding bit vectors define the edge weights, so long as $K = \Omega(\ln n/\gamma)$ and $Kn = \tilde\Omega(\ln n/\gamma2)$. The function computes a maximum-weight balanced cut of $G$, where the weight of a cut is the sum of the weights across all edges in the cut. This result demonstrates a nice property in the high-dimensional feature space: one can trade off the number of features that are required with the size of the sample to accomplish certain tasks like clustering.

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