Emergent Mind

On Cobweb Admissible Sequences - The Production Theorem

Published Jan 30, 2008 in math.CO and cs.DM


In this note further clue decisive observations on cobweb admissible sequences are shared with the audience. In particular an announced proof of the Theorem 1 (by Dziemia\'nczuk) from [1] announced in India -Kolkata- December 2007 is delivered here. Namely here and there we claim that any cobweb admissible sequence F is at the point product of primary cobweb admissible sequences taking values one and/or certain power of an appropriate primary number p. Here also an algorithm to produce the family of all cobweb-admissible sequences i.e. the Problem 1 from [1] i.e. one of several problems posed in source papers [2,3] is solved using the idea and methods implicitly present already in [4]

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