Emergent Mind

Joint Wyner-Ziv/Dirty Paper coding by modulo-lattice modulation

Published Jan 5, 2008 in cs.IT and math.IT


The combination of source coding with decoder side-information (Wyner-Ziv problem) and channel coding with encoder side-information (Gel'fand-Pinsker problem) can be optimally solved using the separation principle. In this work we show an alternative scheme for the quadratic-Gaussian case, which merges source and channel coding. This scheme achieves the optimal performance by a applying modulo-lattice modulation to the analog source. Thus it saves the complexity of quantization and channel decoding, and remains with the task of "shaping" only. Furthermore, for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the scheme approaches the optimal performance using an SNR-independent encoder, thus it is robust to unknown SNR at the encoder.

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