Emergent Mind

On the Centroids of Symmetrized Bregman Divergences

Published Nov 21, 2007 in cs.CG


In this paper, we generalize the notions of centroids and barycenters to the broad class of information-theoretic distortion measures called Bregman divergences. Bregman divergences are versatile, and unify quadratic geometric distances with various statistical entropic measures. Because Bregman divergences are typically asymmetric, we consider both the left-sided and right-sided centroids and the symmetrized centroids, and prove that all three are unique. We give closed-form solutions for the sided centroids that are generalized means, and design a provably fast and efficient approximation algorithm for the symmetrized centroid based on its exact geometric characterization that requires solely to walk on the geodesic linking the two sided centroids. We report on our generic implementation for computing entropic centers of image clusters and entropic centers of multivariate normals, and compare our results with former ad-hoc methods.

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