Emergent Mind

The Kinematic design of a 3-dof Hybrid Manipulator

Published May 7, 2007 in cs.RO


This paper focuses on the kinematic properties of a new three-degree-of-freedom hybrid manipulator. This manipulator is obtained by adding in series to a five-bar planar mechanism (similar to the one studied by Bajpai and Roth) a third revolute passing through the line of centers of the two actuated revolute joints of the above linkage. The resulting architecture is hybrid in that it has both serial and parallel links. Fully-parallel manipulators are known for the existence of particularly undesirable singularities (referred to as parallel singularities) where control is lost [4] and [6]. On the other hand, due to their cantilever type of kinematic arrangement, fully serial manipulators suffer from a lack of stiffness and from relatively large positioning errors. The hybrid manipulator studied is intrinsically stiffer and more accurate. Furthermore, since all actuators are located on the first axis, the inertial effects are considerably reduced. In addition, it is shown that the special kinematic structure of our manipulator has the potential of avoiding parallel singularities by a suitable choice of the "working mode", thus leading to larger workspaces. The influence of the different structural dimensions (e.g. the link lengths) on the kinematic and mechanical properties are analysed in view of the optimal design of such hybrid manipulators.

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