Emergent Mind

Diversity of MIMO Multihop Relay Channels - Part I: Amplify-and-Forward

Published Apr 30, 2007 in cs.IT and math.IT


In this two-part paper, we consider the multiantenna multihop relay channels in which the source signal arrives at the destination through N independent relaying hops in series. The main concern of this work is to design relaying strategies that utilize efficiently the relays in such a way that the diversity is maximized. In part I, we focus on the amplify-and-forward (AF) strategy with which the relays simply scale the received signal and retransmit it. More specifically, we characterize the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of the AF scheme in a general multihop channel with arbitrary number of antennas and arbitrary number of hops. The DMT is in closed-form expression as a function of the number of antennas at each node. First, we provide some basic results on the DMT of the general Rayleigh product channels. It turns out that these results have very simple and intuitive interpretation. Then, the results are applied to the AF multihop channels which is shown to be equivalent to the Rayleigh product channel, in the DMT sense. Finally, the project-and-forward (PF) scheme, a variant of the AF scheme, is proposed. We show that the PF scheme has the same DMT as the AF scheme, while the PF can have significant power gain over the AF scheme in some cases. In part II, we will derive the upper bound on the diversity of the multihop channels and show that it can be achieved by partitioning the multihop channel into AF subchannels.

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