Emergent Mind

Searching for low weight pseudo-codewords

Published Feb 4, 2007 in cs.IT and math.IT


Belief Propagation (BP) and Linear Programming (LP) decodings of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are discussed. We summarize results of instanton/pseudo-codeword approach developed for analysis of the error-floor domain of the codes. Instantons are special, code and decoding specific, configurations of the channel noise contributing most to the Frame-Error-Rate (FER). Instantons are decoded into pseudo-codewords. Instanton/pseudo-codeword with the lowest weight describes the largest Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) asymptotic of FER, while the whole spectra of the low weight instantons is descriptive of the FER vs SNR profile in the extended error-floor domain. First, we describe a general optimization method that allows to find the instantons for any coding/decoding. Second, we introduce LP-specific pseudo-codeword search algorithm that allows efficient calculations of the pseudo-codeword spectra. Finally, we discuss results of combined BP/LP error-floor exploration experiments for two model codes.

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