Emergent Mind

Anomalous heat-kernel decay for random walk among bounded random conductances

Published Nov 22, 2006 in math.PR , cs.DM , math-ph , and math.MP


We consider the nearest-neighbor simple random walk on $\Zd$, $d\ge2$, driven by a field of bounded random conductances $\omega{xy}\in[0,1]$. The conductance law is i.i.d. subject to the condition that the probability of $\omega{xy}>0$ exceeds the threshold for bond percolation on $\Zd$. For environments in which the origin is connected to infinity by bonds with positive conductances, we study the decay of the $2n$-step return probability $P\omega{2n}(0,0)$. We prove that $P\omega{2n}(0,0)$ is bounded by a random constant times $n{-d/2}$ in $d=2,3$, while it is $o(n{-2})$ in $d\ge5$ and $O(n{-2}\log n)$ in $d=4$. By producing examples with anomalous heat-kernel decay approaching $1/n2$ we prove that the $o(n{-2})$ bound in $d\ge5$ is the best possible. We also construct natural $n$-dependent environments that exhibit the extra $\log n$ factor in $d=4$. See also math.PR/0701248.

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